Facing Temptation Like Jesus Did
Facing Temptation Like Jesus Did
Matthew 4:1-11
Speaker's Picture
Wednesday Evening Service,  June 11, 2014

Matthew portrays Jesus as the True Israel. Jesus enters Egypt and God calls him out again (Matt 2:15); he passes through water (Matt 3:13–17); and enters the wilderness where he is tempted 40 days (Matt 4:1–11). Our focus is on Jesus’ time of temptation. Just as the serpent tempted Eve in the lush garden of Eden, and just as the nation of Israel was tempted to disobey God in the wilderness, so Satan appears to tempt the Lord Jesus. Only, where Adam and Eve and later Israel gave into the temptation, Jesus resisted and remained sinless. What can we learn from Jesus’ experience in the wilderness that teaches us to face temptation like he did? There are three essential lessons.

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Being a "One Another" Christian - Part 2
Being a "One Another" Christian - Part 1
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